Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Albany Funeral Homes How Should I Prepare A Resume' For My First Job? I Want To Be A Funeral Director..eventually, Now I'm Only 15?

How should I prepare a resume' for my first job? I want to be a funeral director..eventually, now I'm only 15? - albany funeral homes

Hello, I'm 15 years. old and have had an interest in the funeral service and at the age of 10! So in the last five years, I've always wanted to be an undertaker. It's my job:)

I want to work and high quality service to my friends and neighbors who have lived, w / all my life. I wonder whether it will be difficult to have in the store b / c her parents, who are not public, preserve. FD or no funeral. So it will be difficult, just out of nowhere to be born but for in this business?

I would be glad some advice ... some help!

It is a question that I can work most respected and reputable, my hometown funeral of the family.

I do not want to disclose too much personal information, but I will say my name ...

Betz, Rossi & Bellinger Family Funeral Home, Inc.

(If you know this company, and you have a comment about this plz. Let me know)

I have friends () of adult friends who are working and that "guArantes me back for a job when I'm 16 years old (after February.) Told me com and get an education.

Now for something that's in my head after I finished my degree and my degree at a community college near Albany, NY, CUB undertakers "Continue" or let me go to the capital.

If you do not: "Let me outta the nest" period after my residence, I will also work in one or Albany, NY Schenectady, NY funeral home.

If a funeral professionals out there reading this plz. give me some advice and if you had mentioned something about a funeral and I know plz undertakers in the cities mentioned. Let me know what to tell the best experiance opionins or if they are wrong to me, why, and

Zip. & Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Ask a funeral. That is one thing that the work can complain about a company.
